12 May, 2011
Halls of residence / Galaneika Lamias
"What really matters, considering housing, is that humans need to explore housing from the beginning, from the very first meaning of the term." Martin Heidegger.
Students : Anagnostopoulos George, Theodoropoulou Christine
Supervisor : Iordanis Stilidis
Department of architecture, Unuversity of Thessaly
Presentation date : June 2009
Siegfried Giedon (CIAM's general secretary from 1928 until 1938) noticed that the relationships between people and cities, people and items have a problem resisting the passage of time.
He also noticed the typical movements within the city, that people do (home-work-home) automatically create a shapeless and timeless prison. Everyone is included in this prison and religion, politics, origin play absolutely no role.
It's quite obvious that architecture has to become the link of the world we live in, because the buildings lose their identity. It is also very difficult to redefine them by their materials. Architecture needs to gather the experiences of the city itself and give it back in a better way. At the same time architecture needs to release the citizens from the iconic prison that they live in.
The way to deal with this prison is to suggest a solution concerning the constructional part of the problem, and not the theoretical that has been already summarized above. Therefore we suggest the construction of halls of student residence, in which the students themselves will "work" like the foundations of the building, like sperm that gives birth to each part of the building, according to anyone needs.
Generally the relations between the buildings and people must (by using the building's spaces) give the opportunity to humans to develop their personal relationships.
The choice of that kind of building is obvious, as soon as we analyze the two words of the term: Residence because is one of the places that a human, spends his time within the city (in that situation the student between the University and his apartment). But most importantly because is the place where he can make the changes that will improve his quality of life.
Halls-on the other hand- because as Heidegger says, residency is a team effort. It isn't only the fact that constructing a building needs many different people of the community, in the process, but also that gives the people who live their the opportunity to develop their relationships
Related articles:
- Student Residences ( 18 February, 2014 )