26 February, 2011
VOLOS: Attributing the waterfront to the city
Regeneration of the central part through integrating cultural and recreational uses. Planning for the permanent resident and the visitor.
Student: Ζampia Αdamou
Supervisor: Κonstantinos Serraos
Consultant: Valentini Κarvountzi
Department of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
Presentation date: 03/11/2010
Brief Description of the project
My diplomatic project deals with the regeneration of a waterfront, that of Volos, and is an attempt to attribute it to the city. The redefinition of its character is attempted through the reestablishment of the relation between the inhabitants and the sea and also through the creation of thematic spaces that serve their daily needs. The theme of this project falls within the broader context of the interest that is observed these recent decades about waterfronts, as they are the most privileged areas of coastal cities.
Τhe waterfront of Volos
Overall view of the linear, elongated waterfront of Volos.
The waterfront of Volos is the most important public space of the town with main features the elongated, linear platform and the existence of a major green space within it, the current park of Saint Constantine. For the regeneration I choose the central part of the waterfront in which we find almost exclusively recreational and touristical uses, open spaces, green areas and public buildings.
Characteristics of the reformed area
Set against the impressive volume of mountain Pelion, the waterfront of Volos is a very privileged space. A space which the city residents experience every day and where, especially during the summer, are held numerous cultural events.
However, this linear path that is often criticized as an abandoned site, as an area ruled by outdated alignments that do not comply with our age and that remind us of obsolescent park features of the previous century. An innovative redevelopment could change radically the image of Volos, upgrade the quality of the public space in the heart of the city and contribute towards the development of urban tourism and the stimulation of the local economy.
Geographic features and location of the regenerated area.
The strategy of a possible regeneration should primarily take into account that the marine landscape is part of the environment of the city and that the presence of the port is an important component of the identity of Volos.
Proposal for a network of free spaces _ Recognition of the spot's current situation.
In the wider area of the park of Saint Constantine exists today a variety of trees, the size of which confirms their long presence in the area and their important contribution to the shaping of the park's identity. The effort to preserve them indicated several design orientations and height differences that attribute to the regenerated area a desired morphological diversity.
Overall proposal for the regenerated waterfront _Scale 1: 1000.
The main features of the regeneration are summarized to the following:
-Tree lines that guide me from the city to the waterfront.
-Similar materials in the outdoor area (cold asphalt, concrete brick, compacted earth).
-Bicycle network that crosses the entire waterfront.
-Marina for recreational vessels. Its main objective is to facilitate the unobstructed viewing of the water and the general landscape (today the vessels are "tied" to the directly to the platform).
Regeneration plan_Scale 1:500.
Description of the project
My proposal consists of three sections (a natural landscape, an urban square and an area for multiple games) that are penetrated by a green path (coil). Along the railway line (situated at the northern part of the regenerated area) I locate an outdoor train exhibition, cultural sites and an outdoor market. I also propose a marina in order for the vessels to moor.
The "coil" is a game that crosses my three sections. It defines the boundaries of the spaces it penetrates, creating sub-areas that are dependent on it.
The square "collects" the visitors and downloads them to the waterfront. It consists of three sub-sections: the sunken cafe, the scattered stands and the skateboard sloaps.
-Sunken cafe
The southern section of the square acts as a space of observation of the sea, and can support and organize public performances and events, having the sea as a natural background.
-Skateboard sloaps
At the north side of the stands I place linear slopes for skateboard (a very common activity today at the waterfront) with a sufficient width, peaks and wells that can also be used as seat backs. Their shape and direction was initially inspired by the direction of the waves that meet the waterfront.
Children's playground
On the western edge of the waterfront is developed a broad area for multiple activities for children and teenagers. The areas intented for the younger age groups are enclosed perimetrically by inclined CorTen plates who "turne" horizontally to form linear sitting spaces. On the western edge of the playground CorTen plates surround a basketball field (level -1.00m in order to create the elevation for the stands).
Natural landscape
In the right edge of the park I choose to create a natural landscape with dense vegetation and low hills, an area that allows the free development of leisure activities (eg picnics, exercise). In order to preserve the existing trees in the level of +1.00 m I create hills, the soils of which are kept by oxidized CorTen sheets that receive on their back hanging benches.
Railway line
On the eastern edge of the railway line is developed an outdoor exhibition on the history of the train of Pelion. Its development is marked naturally by the existing line that crosses the northern part of the park and currently operates more as a factor of division from the upper town rather than uniting and compiling the area to the park as an important historical landmark. The exhibition contains old wagons and locomotives.
The structure of the market, that aims to attract visitors to the park, depends on the linear development of the railway line and could serve either a weekly food market or even periodic thematic exhibitions. Its construction is light with a metal frames and wooden roofs.
Illustrative diagrams of the proposal - Sections _ Planting _ Outdoor market / Exhibition areas.
Cuts on the regenerated area and on a low hill, supported by a metal CorTen sheet.
Maquetts _ Working process
Final maquett _Scale 1:500