Architecture without buildings

10 August, 2012

Architecture without buildings

Architecture for human. (by Martha Anargiropoulou)

Greek version

Throughout history, old and modern, we come across the term ''architecture without buildings.'' Looking closer to some projects, a Greek temple, an Alexandrian Library, St.Sophia, Brunelleschi, or even F. L. Wright, one finds that the greatness and the overall beauty lies beyond the building and its form, but in an effort of expressing of emotions, unknown liberties and in a statement of intentions that embody important systems of life.

Man is the value and not things. Things worth only in relation to man, whom things are made for . Therefore, according to architectural education at the same time, the architecture is indented for people, and not things. The architect plans tools, objects, streets, parks, recreational areas, educational systems, beaches, ecological sites, all those that don't demand the construction of a building.

‘'Architecture without buildings'' seems to be perhaps synonymous with ''Architecture without Architecture'' and that's why we tend to think the content as an architectural form(which may already is) and what we think as content arrives sometimes determine the format.
These days, we architects may eventually find ourselves in an impasse, being stuckin morphological academicism and unable to unhook ourselves from it, since we are influenced by great architects, (Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn), also trapped in this way of architecture.

Somewhere here is the question:

Is architecture is an art?
There may be some ''creepy'' nice buildings, but also some ''beautiful" ugly buildings, incontrast.

So we then try a more productive understanding of content because architecture, as said above is for people, and not things.
Let us, then, set in the educational and professional space, ‘'Architecture without buildings'' as the main slogan. This slogan encourage us to create new methods for human actions, without having to pay in advance for the way, we will invest.
Human behavior and the outsourcing appearance -influence in space should also be considered. Therefore, the building will become itself more efficient, more expressive, if notpretentious in shape.
These "therapies" may be considered urgent and necessary in orded to get us, architects out of the current deadlock.

Eventually, those not directly interested in architecture, the so-called "non architects" are those who develop a key role in architectural design. At the end of each architectural project, in whatever form, we have found a concurrence and identification of the content, form and to establish the effect-architecture. Space is the intention. As a result, architecture comprehends both behavious and actions, that devise context and form.

Martha Anargiropoulou


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