23 February, 2009
Restoration of Monuments - Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings in Attica Volume A & B
In the two volumes of this publication, there are 26 applied studies on the restoration and re-use of significant monuments and historical buildings in Attica. Editor: YIANNIS KIZIS,Preface by DIONYSIS A. ZIVAS
Editor: YIANNIS KIZIS, Architect, Associate Professor at the National Technical University of Athens
Preface by DIONYSIS A. ZIVAS, Professor Emeritus of the National Technical University of Athens
books price - volume A : 95 € - volume B : 95 € (+Shipping costs)
The selection of these realized works was approached through two perspectives;
on the one hand, the applied studies sought for publication should present as much as possible of the wide range of the country's architectural heritage from the antiquity until the 20 th century, while on the other hand, they had to be interesting and well documented ones.
As far as the presentation method is concerned, it was seen fit to begin with a brief reference to the background history and condition before any restoration work on each one of the included monuments and historical buildings. Then the study on the restoration and re-use is laid out, followed by comments and photographs showing the phases during and after the works.
Moreover, technical descriptions, general analysis and proposal plans, detail drawings and pictures have been included. The reader is thereby able to have an overall understanding of the research methods, of the specialized tasks, as well as of the materials and the procedure used for their application with a view to the restoration and revival of this monumental wealth of Attica .
To sum up, almost 2000 drawings, details, archive photographs, pictures of jobsites and complete works as well as archive material of state and freelance architects have been laid out on the 448 pages of the two volumes.
All of them provide evidence of a panorama of methods, techniques and special applications, which are useful to those who systematically or occasionally deal with respective works.
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