Furniture From Greece

05 April, 2012

Furniture From Greece

Αt Salone internazionale del mobile: il Design chiama! (17th-22nd of April, 2012)Embarassed

Greek version


What should someone expect after the great participation of "Furniture from Greece" in imm Cologne? A greater one, of course! After the undoubtedly successful presentation in Germany, "Furniture from Greece" continues even more dynamically and goes one step beyond; this time the Greek mission takes part at the largest fest for the design and decoration, the international fair Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan.

From the 17th to 22nd of April, Greek design -under the brands Candia Strom, De-code, Elite Strom, Lattas and Papadatos - will travel there where the foundation of design was laid, not just in order to admire the ideas and products of the most talented designers in the world, but for the very first time, to become an integral part of the fair.

Greek designers having been inspired by the nature, the elements and raw materials that their country provides with such generosity as well as the centuries of culture that carry in their DNA, have created products with character; products which make words such "quality" and "authenticity" not sounding so banal as they used to and acquiring again the sense of superior values and standards.

Design is a concept, a way of thinking and living; "Furniture from Greece" plans to proving that is fully aware of this multi-dimensional term and has made the most of it! Whoever visits this year's Salone del Mobile will understand the reasons why Greek furniture has all that is takes to be considered as prestigious and upscale.

So, come and see yourselves the Greek mission coming out to top and demonstrating once again how dynamic and creative at the same time can be. Andiamo!

Few words on Salone Internazionale del Mobile
Salone Internazionale del Mobile constitutes global benchmark for the furniture sector as it is considered synonymous to design. It first appeared in 1961 in order to promote and establish Italian furniture to the international markets. Today, the largest companies worldwide take part in the fair while thousands of visitors throughout the world flood in its halls. Also, they are held the parallel events EuroCucina, Salone del Complemento d´ Arredo, Salone Internazionale del Bagno and SaloneSatellite.


Salone Internazionale del Mobile 17th-22nd of April, 2012
Pavilion 18:
Candia Strom (E11), Elite Strom (E09)
Pavilion 12: De-code (B04), Lattas (B04), Papadatos (A03)



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