20 October, 2011
Architecture Unlimited?
Sofia Architecture Week. (to 6th November 2011)
What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase ‘'Architecture can save world?'' Does it make sense? Should architecture bear the responsibility of making the world a better place or should architects stick only to cement, construction materials and façade?
It is the 4th year in the row that is organized the Sofia Architecture Week from 1st to 6th November 2011.
Architecture is more than just building square meters. It has more to offer than a pragmatic answer to a practical question. Beyond its sheer volume and mass it has the capability to influence the economical, social and cultural sphere.
During the Sofia Architecture Week (SAW) will be investigated into the transformative power of architecture. SAW will present practices which are seeking to transgress boundaries, formulate new task and discover new fields of action. Architects will have the opportunity to seek their freedom by exploring the conventions and traditions within the limitations of their discipline so as to achieve to create high quality environments.
Architecture might be limited but architectural imagination never is. SAW 2011 will deal with the extent, in which architecture can function as a transformative tool for the urban environment in an era in which utopian ideals are replaced by city marketing, and making improvements in the cityscape is often subordinated to making profit.
Participations until 15th October.
Place : Sofia
During : 1st to 6th November 2011
More information:
Editing : Xenia Saratsioti