01 November, 2011
Lecture about Russian Architecture of the 1920’s from VKhUTEMAS
VKhUTEMAS is the abbreviation of Vysshie Khudozhestvenno- Tekhnicheskiye Masterskiye and was the Russian State art and technical school founded in 1920 in Moscow. (16/11/2011)
It was a focus of the explosion of innovation and creativity in the arts in the early post- revolutionary era. The survival of several hundred remarkable photographs of models made by architectural students of the school casts light on contemporary architectural ideas as well as on the supporting theories of the psychology of art.
The speaker is Nicholas Bueno de Mesquita and will comment and show many of these photographs of the models, which are exciting projects, almost sculptured objects themselves.
Place : Puskin House, 5a Bloomsburry Square, London
Date 16/11/2011, at 19.30
by Xenia Saratsioti
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- Royal Academy of Arts ( 04 January, 2012 )
- Building the Revolution. Soviet Art and Architecture 1915–1935 ( 15 June, 2012 )
- Wohnen am Wasser ( 01 October, 2012 )
- Brendan McGetrick interview at GreekArchitects ( 28 June, 2014 )