02 March, 2012
Lecture by Professor Hermann J. Kienast
The Sydney Friends of the Institute present a public lecture by Professor Hermann J. Kienast titled "The topography and architecture of the Sanctuary of Hera in Samos". (21 March 2012)
Hermann J. Kienast, former Deputy Director of the German Archaeological Institute in Athens and a trained architect, has devoted his career to the study of ancient Greek architecture. For twenty years (1984-2004) he was head of excavations at the sanctuary of Hera on the island of Samos. Professor Kienast is a Member of the Academy of Athens and Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Athens.
His lecture " The topography and architecture of the Sanctuary of Hera in Samos" will report on the results of his long research on this topic. Although scholarly knowledge of this sanctuary seems to be satisfactory, there is no doubt that after one hundred years of excavation and field research it needs some revising. Professor Kienast, in his long study of the site, checked the surviving architectural members and the documentation of the excavations carried out by the German Archaeological Institute and brought to light new evidence which allows us to form a more accurate picture of some of the buildings, to correct reconstructions, to give new interpretations and raise new questions.
Location : CCANESA Boardroom Level 4 Madsen Building, University of Sydney
Date : Wednesday 21 March, 2012, 18:30 for 19:00
More information : HERE
Editing : Vilma Kotrokoi.