01 March, 2012
Lecture of Architect and Professor, Manolis Korres
With main subject "Sheltered Spaces of Music in antiquity".
20 March 2012
Lecture will be given in Megaron Plus by the professor of the Architecture School of NTUA, Manolis Korres. Megaron plus in cooperation with the nonprofit corporation "Diazoma" , will organize lecture with main subject the ancient theaters, which are top achievements of the ancient greek architecture. Purpose of the corporation is the appointment, protection and integration of these spaces in dailu routine.
Manolis Korres, who is going to give the lecture, is architect, Dr Architect in NTUA and Dr in university of Berlin. He is professor in NTUA and teaches the history courses and the specialized courses of restoration. Also, he is the leader of the interdepartment programme of Master courses, "Reservation and rehabilitation of historical buildings" in NTUA. Simultaneously, he has taught in universities abroad and has given lectures at international level. He has written eight books and eighty scientific articles while his designs have been exposed in personal and team expositions in Greece and abroad.
Among his most important works is his participation in the restoration of the Acropolis (1975, 1983-1999) and in the Commission of Conservation of the monuments in The Acropolis (2000-2005). He has also worked in the Dionysian theater (1981-1982) and with the study and restoration of two ancient temples in Naxos(university of Athens-TU Munchen (1976), the Pythios Castle (Evros, 1974), the Apollon temple in Karditsa (1999). Finally, he has studied important roman, byzantine and newer monuments as wells as mechanical constructions.
Location: Megaron Plus, Hall Dimitris Mitropoulos
Date: 20 March 2012 Time: 19:00
The entrance is free.
Editing : Panagiota Mavroeidi