04 October, 2010

Takis Katsoulidis. Letterform

The adventures of a painter in the sea of Greek typography (until 24/10/2010)

Greek version

The output of 50 years of a respected Greek artist, researcher, designer and teacher of typography, showing the path he took through his work. Takis Katsoulidis, in a snapshot of his career, reveals the maze of Greek typography design through practical examples of original designs, as well as through the pages of art publications that set the foundations for contemporary Greek typography, while maintaining the living tradition of Guttenberg's humanist revelation.

 An exhibition that is of specialist as well as general interest, with interesting images that occur through dozens of combinations of shapes, sizes, volumes and styles. How does every letter behave with the letter that precedes it and the letter that ensues in forming a word? How do letters vibrate and reverberate? Why are words bridges? Why is writing the illustration of language and language is our home country? 

Benaki Museum
Athens, Greece
Benaki Museum
Until 24/10/2010

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