19 July, 2010
The 24th World Congress of Architecture
(29 September-1st October 2011)
The next International Union of Architect’s world congress will take place in Tokyo, Japan, on 25 to 29 September 2011, at the Tokyo International Forum. The UIA General Assembly will take place from 29 September until 1st October 2011. A “mecca” of contemporary architecture, Tokyo and all of Japan offer to visitors a brilliantly dynamic architectural environment.
TOKYO 2011 will be a milestone event for exchange, elaboration and sharing of a vision for the design future towards 2050 and beyond.
“Design 2050”: the main theme for this congress, will be approached from three perspectives: environment, life and survival.
Environment: our planet, sustainable architecture, natural disasters, water, agriculture, cosmic environment.
Life: population problems, the aging society, infectious diseases, artificial life, biodiversity.
Cultural exchange: our advanced information-oriented society, urban problems, economy, transportation, education, historical legacies.
UIA2011 TOKYO presents a visual newsletter that will be appeared in series about every three weeks. Starting with the main venue Tokyo International Forum, visual newsletter is showcasing not only the architecture but also the cityscape and the culture of Tokyo.
You may see the first video for Tokyo International Forum below.
Hosts: UIA (International Union of Architects) and JOB (UIA2011 TOKYO Japan Organizing Board)
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