05 March, 2010
The plans of the Olympic Park for 2012 in London were revealed.
Pic.1, Olympic Park Parklands design during Games time, 2010)
The Olympic Park in London for 2012 is about to become the largest urban park for the next decade. With 2 years to go until the entry of the Olympics 2012, work is currently underway and will recreate the former industrial area to an “urban legacy” for Britain.
On Tuesday 26th January 2010, the Olympic Delivery Authority revealed the plans of the Olympic park, which will become a public open space after the games.
The 100ha park will comprise three distinct areas. The southern park will provide a festival atmosphere with riverside gardens, event spaces and big screens for people to gather and watch the Games. A landscape of diverse ecology, including wetlands, woodlands and new habitats for species from kingfishers to otters, will be created in the north. Eton Manor will host the Paralympics before converting to a purpose built sports park post-2012.
Pic.2 , Illustrative masterplan, South Park, 2010
Pic.3, Illustrative masterplan, North Park 2010,
Human activity is one of the characteristics of this park. A mile long road cycle circuit spreads through the area, as well as off –roads bike tracks, a regional sports club, amphitheatres and plenty of architectural details, such as lighting columns and other contemporary and urban equipment.
David Higgins, chief executive of the ODA, said: “Inspired by the original Victorian parks, the meadows, gardens, woods and river walks in this new great park will create a fantastic public space for people and wildlife right at the heart of the transformation of east London.”
Pic.4, 2012 Gardens: ramp and mid-terrace intersection, South Park, 2010
Pic.5, View from bridge HO5 looking north toward the Olympic Gardens, 2010
The designs are drawn by LDAdesign in corporation with Hargreaves Associates.