31 March, 2010
SANAA takes 2010 Pritzker Prize
Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, partners in the architectural firm, SANAA, have been chosen as the 2010 Laureates of the Pritzker Architecture Prize.
The formal ceremony for what has come to be known throughout the world as architecture’s highest honor will be held on May 17 on historic Ellis Island in New York. At that time, a $100,000 grant and bronze medallions will be bestowed on the two architects,... but the honor is much greater.
In announcing the jury’s choice, Thomas J. Pritzker, chairman of The Hyatt Foundation, elaborated that it is the third time in the history of the prize that two architects have been named in the same year and also the third time in the thirty year history of the Pritzker Architecture Prize that Japanese architects have been chosen.
The purpose of the Pritzker Architecture Prize is to honor annually a living architect whose built work demonstrates a combination of those qualities of talent, vision and commitment, which has produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity and the built environment through the art of architecture.
Pritzker Prize jury chairman, The Lord Palumbo quoted from the jury citation to focus on this year’s selection:
“For architecture that is simultaneously delicate and powerful, precise and fluid, ingenious but not overly or overtly clever; for the creation of buildings that successfully interact with their contexts and the activities they contain, creating a sense of fullness and experiential richness; for a singular architectural language that springs from a collaborative process that is both unique and inspirational; for their notable completed buildings and the promise of new projects together, Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa are the recipients of the 2010 Pritzker Architecture Prize.”
Upon learning that she was being honored, Kazuyo Sejima had this reaction: “I am thrilled to receive such an honor. I would like to thank the Pritzker (Hyatt) foundation, the jury members, the clients who have worked with us, and all of our collaborators. I have been exploring how I can make architecture that feels open, which I feel is important for a new generation of architecture. With this prize I will continue trying to make wonderful architecture.”
And a similar reaction from Ryue Nishizawa: “I receive this wonderful prize with great humility. I am very honored and at the same time very surprised. I receive and understand this prize as encouragement for our efforts. Every time I finish a building I revel in possibilities and at the same time reflect on what has happened. Each project becomes my motivation for the next new project. In the same way this wonderful prize has given me a dynamic energy that I have never felt before. I thank you very much.”
More details at:
2010 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate (mediakit)
Photomediakit (photo booklet)
Related articles:
- 2011 Pritzker Prize: Eduardo Souto de Moura ( 30 March, 2011 )
- Pritzker Prize 2012 ( 06 March, 2012 )
- Frei Otto, the winner of Pritzker Architecture Prize 2015 ( 12 March, 2015 )