Architecture in times of crisis

10 July, 2013

Architecture in times of crisis

In the dialogue that we have started on architecture in times of crisis, we would like to invite you to answer seven questions posed by Greek architects to the international architectural community.Embarassed

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In the dialogue that we have started on architecture in times of crisis, we would like to invite you to answer seven questions posed by Greek architects to the international architectural community.

In the joined questionnaire will be asked for their work recognized architects, as well as new colleagues whose work is considered to contribute positively to the development of architecture.

Below are the questions : (feel free to answer any questions you wish, without any limitation as to their size)
The questions - answers will be in English and then will be translated to Greek.

Α. Question posed by the editorial team of (Vassilis Mistriotis - Manolis Oikonomou)
The 13th Biennale, with the subject "common ground" as its main theme this time, was wished by the organizers to profess the redefinition of architectural design towards a new philosophy, sustainable and in relation to the global crisis. An event, that this time, did not pursue, as usual, the avant-guard but a whole new theoretical approach. Do you consider that the participants and the content of the 13th biennale have offered a substantial answer in this matter?

Β. Question posed by Andreas Giacumacatos, Professor in  Architecture, Faculty of Art History and Theory, Athens
What is your opinion on the content and objectives of the current architectural debate internationally, compared to the level of theoretical and critical discourse of the period from the 1960's to the 1990's?

C. Question posed by Nicolas Mitzalis, architect (Ph.D.) National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
In the present multiple global crisis seems evident the redistribution of wealth and power that favors specific and already privileged social groups. Can the architect contribute -and how- to a housing retribution in favor of the affected social groups?

D. Question posed by Anastasios M. Kotsiopoulos, Professor of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Corresponding member of the Academy of Athens
Are there any real signs of change in the morphological repertory of contemporary architecture, due to some kind of crisis? If so, what crisis is this: an internal affair of the architectural avant-garde or a socioeconomic phenomenon, possibly localized, with an impact on architecture?

E. Question posed by Tsabikos Petras, architect
What would you consider to be potential fields for creativity for young architects in urban landscapes which are overbuilt and with a high saturation of unused structures due to the financial crisis?

Z. Question posed by Tasis Papaionnou, architect
Today the world is changing and is being transformed with lightning speed. All aspects of life are in crisis, whereas  the future seems more uncertain and insecure than ever. Time and space appear to shrink dramatically and do not seem enough. Within this fluid scenery, do you think that the essence of architecture is changing, in particular the dense core of its Design Treaty? In other words, can architecture go against the torrential flow of the frenzied commercialism and the unbridled market competition, in order to express its timeless mission and its anthropocentric character?

Ι. Question posed by Thanos Stasinopoulos, architect
The question that is posed concerns the extent to which the predominan architectural pursuits and current proposals are in line with the multiple current crisis, if they effectively fall within a wider concept for its overcoming or if they consist sterile objectives in themselves, as well as to what extent they can realistically express the upcoming world of tomorrow.

You can join the debate by sending your answers to, entitled "Architecture in times of crisis" along with a photo of yours.
The editorial team of GreekArchitects will then evaluate your answers and proceed to their publication.


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