Walk the line

04 May, 2012

Walk the line

A path at Kitros Saltworks.

Greek version

Students : Dimitrakou Ifigenia, Karagkouni Santy
Supervisor: A. Alexopoulou
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture
Presentation date: June 2011



The architectural project regards the Saltwork of Kitros - Pieria, a unique environmentally protected habitat in the southern part of Thermaikos Gulf, 18kilometers Northeast of Katerini. Furthermore the project examines the spatial and contexual relationships that are developed between natural environment and human interventions.


The dissertation thesis  aims at introducing human activities that will reinforce the active protection of the specific ecosystem. The proposed activities will be in accordance with the surrounding environment and will add to the designation of the original characteristics of the landscape and the scenery.

It was our intention to provide the required sparkle in order to intrigue the thorough investigation of the prevalent surroundings.  On a thread,  continuous or fragmented, the observer has the possibility to discover elements of the flora and fauna. Our proposal constitutes of an aggregate of different textures, either optical or spatial, articulated on a pathway. Following this course and the individual will have the opportunity to experience the diversity of scenes, sounds, odours and touches of the natural environment through continuity, discontinuity and contrast.

In particular the proposal consists a pathway which marks out the differentiations between artificial and natural. On site the border between them is not always present. The course is designed as a line which links the different elements of the landscape. It crosses the multiple aspects of the landscape either when these are produced by the long presense of humans or when the nature is intact. On the former the route is solid and on the latter it is designed to be scattered. In addition several rest stops and look out points are designed and located on the same line. The concept is completed by the selection of materials that adjust with the existing image of the site.



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