23 February, 2011
Penitentiary architecture
Special Rehabilitation Institution for Addicted Persons.
Students : Adamidis Petros, Pantelopoulos Giorgos
Supervisors: Gavrilou Evelin, Likourioti Iris
University of Thessaly
Presentation Date: 29/10/2009
In the 250 years of rehabilitation architecture's history, there have been several systems of rehabilitation architecture. In each of the buildings constructed with every system, we are able to identify the influence of the ideas and ideologies of each era concerning the detainees. Architects were frequently called upon to create facilities according to a social and cultural axis, and not according to what would be best for the detainees held within the walls of those facilities or in relation to the process of their rehabilitation.
Modern architecture can invent spaces that can also contribute to the rehabilitation process. The Special Rehabilitation Institution for Addicted Persons, is one of the proposed solutions for creating a new category of rehabilitation facilities. Serving as a prototype for the separation of a group of people with special needs, it can accommodate, within its' 25,000 square meters, all the spaces and features necessary for the making of a great tool in the hands of the science of rehabilitation. At the same time, there is an effort being done for redefining the relationship between the city and the prison. Part of the hospital included in the institution's facilities is open to the local community, for attending to their emergency and everyday needs.
The upgraded relationship between detainees, the rehabilitation personnel and the city has the goal to incorporate smoothly ex prisoners in the society and help them stay without a problem in the society, through the new and improved processes held within this facility.
Related articles:
- A different physical layout of prison facilities ( 29 September, 2012 )
- PRISON-OFF. Juvenile Detention Center ( 26 May, 2015 )
- re-N.E.W. the PRISON ( 20 December, 2014 )
- Alternative correctional facility in Volos ( 05 June, 2015 )
- Women’s jail precint ( 25 June, 2015 )