The City within the City
04 November, 2013Redefining the relationship between the contemporary Agora and its urban context through the design of an urban condenser in the area of Nomismatokopeio.
Diploma Projects annual awards 2012 (Results announcement)
17 October, 2013Online gallery and annual Diploma Projects Awards 2012 by Presentation of all winning projects.
Souda Port Passenger Station, Souda Bay,Chania,Crete
10 June, 2013The port of Souda with its multifarious uses (passenger station, tourist station, water sports center, educational center, fishery center) constitutes the main coastal connector between western Crete and the other parts of Greece.
Center for Mediterranean Research in the island of Therasia
22 April, 2013This project entails an intervention in the unique landscape of Therasia.
In.Bu.S, Intercity Bus Station in Chania, Crete
02 April, 2013Towards a structure that allows the bus in the centre of the city and towards a combination of uses that makes the characterisation "non-place" no longer valid for the spaces of transit.
Dwelling and being neighbour in a Machala of Argos, in terms of a palimpsest
26 March, 2013I exist by leaving traces on earth, I grow entered into a land full of ... residues, I become a tracker and follow the pre-history.
Airport: A Crossroad of Civilizations
20 March, 2013The example of the new international airport of Heraklion in Kastelli, Crete.
Between Public and Private: exhibition-expression-housing spaces at the block of the old hospital of Chania
20 February, 2013A "hybrid building" of mixed-use public space, producing a new model of interactive relationships between housing-work-creation-exhibition.