13 October, 2013
A new website which daily monitors and records the changes in the field of architecture through TV productions.
We inform you that the first international architectural TV station, ArchitectsPlanet.Tv ( is already launched.
This is a new website which daily monitors and records the changes in the field of architecture through TV productions. Lectures, documentaries and thousands of videos with architectural content are uploaded and categorized, creating an audiovisual archive of global architecture.
ArchitectsPlanet.Tv transmits videos in English and is created by the editorial staff of Within a short time live broadcast via livestreaming, as well as internal productions, are about to start.
Your participation in our new site is of crucial importance, to create a dynamic that will attract our colleagues from abroad as well. (αυτό δεν είμαι σίγουρη αν χρειάζεται να μπει στην αγγλική version...)
Watch ArchitectsPlanet.Tv HERE
(On the right area of the site, you will find a special field where you can subscribe so as to be immediately informed of every new post)
You can join us on facebook HERE
Note: We are looking for colleagues - correspondents from abroad