25 October, 2012

ΤΑΤΟϊ: Α complete proposal for the protection and enhancement of the former Royal Estate.

This article is a summary of the project: «A master plan for the protection and enhancement of Ταtoi former Royal Estate». (By Aikaterini Gkoltsiou, Stavros Ganotis, Antonis Krassas)

Greek version

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This article is a summary of the project: «A master plan for the protection and enhancement of Ταtoi former Royal Estate». The design team, called consultant of the Organization for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens, is comprised by the following members: Antonis Krassas (Architect, Planner), Manolis Votsis (Architect), Philippos Gerodakis (Architect), Dr Aikaterini Gkoltsiou (Landscape Architect, Agronomist), Kostas Zafiris (Surveyor), Stavros Ganotis (Architect, Physicist), Kostas Grispos (Civil Engineer), Eleni Papadopoulou (Economist), Niki Kardakari (Environmentalist), John Arnellos (Forester, Kostas Toubakaris (Civil engineer), George Pavlopoulos (Conservator of Works of Art) and Anastasios-Damianos Maistros (Electrical Engineer).

Several concepts often attributed to Tatoi, such as these of a forest, a historic site, a farm or a park, highlighting its complex dimension and the multiple possibilities of its exploitation.


Φωτ. 01. View of the Royal Residence. Former Royal Estate of Tatoi. December 2011. Photograph by Philippos Gerodakis.


Nowadays, it is an attractive friendly place for all ages during the whole year. It is a space for recreation, no matter the problems that may arise (litter, lack of safekeeping, danger of fire, etc.) However, the strong signs of landscape degradation and buildings deterioration, the park is still flooded by visitors on weekends.


Φωτ. 02. Recreational areas. Former Royal Estate of Tatoi. November 2011. Photograph by Aikaterini Gkoltsiou


The landscape planning process of the project involved the following steps:

Identify and evaluate the present situation of the landscape and the buildings

- Analyze the relationship of the park with the broader geographical environment, its connection with the city of Athens and the wider cultural and productive network.
- Identify the most characteristic landscape areas and types, assess landscape condition and landscape sensitivity towards the potential pressures and finally conclude to general objectives and design guidelines per area.
- Assess the condition of the buildings, concerning their morphology and present situation; identify the risk of danger and the potentials for their restoration.
- SWOT analysis to present the strengths of Tatoi versus weaknesses and the opportunities versus threats by the external environment.
- Develop a master plan presenting the various uses which will take place within the park, resolve the access points, the traffic and the administration issues.
- Identify the cost of the future accomplishment of the master plan as well as the cost of various investments and financing arrangements thereof.

The basic idea of the proposal is to create a public park devoted to the citizens of Athens and visitors from all over the country and the world, providing at the same time all the necessary resources for its maintenance, operation and development.

The master plan proposes the creation of Tatoi metropolitan park, providing a major tourist attraction, with international projection. Therefore, according to the design proposal, the park of Tatoi is going to be friendly and accessible to all, claiming the optimal cooperation among public and private sectors for mutual benefits, seeking the voluntary participation of citizens in various activities and suggesting the revival and reuse of the brand name of Tatoi.

The proposal's assumptions are mentioned below:

- Respect for the natural and cultural landscape of Tatoi. Mild development is combined with effective protection of the landscape.
- Reference to the existing legal framework for the protection of the natural environment, of monuments and of historic sites.
- Recognition of the particular dynamics of the estate as a future Metropolitan Park in Attica, in order to join European networks (eg.  IMFN, ARRE ).
- Optimal utilization of the complex nature of place (as a forest, a historical place, a suburban Park) in order to emerge the sustainability of the project.
- Combination of the traditional activities with the introduced innovative actions.
- Creation of an attractive destination with recreational and cultural character.


Φωτ. 05. Master Plan. Μay 2012. Archive of the technical consultant of the Organisation for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens.


The design proposal is characterized by five basic axes of intervention in order to create an autonomous and sustainable public park:

Α. Revival of the crops and of the agricultural production and processing, with a view to promote the agricultural and livestock products for consumption and marketing within and outside Tatoi park, as well as the exploitation of the corresponding building facilities for educational purposes.


Φωτ. 07. Examples of agricultural installations. On the left. Museum of Olives, Vrana, Lesvos, Greece. On the right.Museum of environment, Symfalia, Greece. Photographs by Μ.Votsis


Β. Design of recreational areas which will include a wide range of activities: cycling, walking, adventurous playgrounds, activities related to environmental education (e.g. Birdwatching) and so on.


Φωτ. 08. Adventurous games. Photograph by Philippos Gerodakis.


C. Culture stimulation, by creating museums promoting the particular historical, archaeological and natural features of the Park, or enhancing cultural outdoor activities.


Φωτ. 10. Views of the various design elements of the Royal residence gardens. Former Royal Estate of Tatoi. October 2011. Photograph by Aikaterini Gkoltsiou


D. Enhancement of research in collaboration with educational institutions and organization of conferences related to the activities of the Park.
Wildlife protection is promoted by creating first-aid station for the care and rehabilitation of wild animals in their natural environment.

Ε. Creation of hospitality installations (restaurant, tavern, cafes)

The essential first step for launching the project development of Tatoi is to establish a Management Body which is going to assign, operate and supervise all the necessary studies and projects as well as to search for financing funds from a variety of sources (institutional funding, sponsorships, collaboration with individuals - investors).

As indicated by the preliminary feasibility study about the viability of the park, its economic empowerment is feasible in the medium term.  In order, this project to be viable and successful, the administration and staff of the above management body should be able to cooperate with civil society (local authorities, private investors, corporate sponsors, institutions, sector bodies, etc.), to search for potential funding sources and to present an entrepreneurial spirit in taking decisions.

The particular study, apart from the economical viability of the project, takes seriously into consideration the rescue of qualities and elements, in order to give to the citizens of Athens a park capable of improving their quality of life.

proposal for the protection and enhancement of the former Royal Estate could not have been completed without the contribution of friends and associates who selflessly offered their knowledge, service, inspiration and enthusiasm. We express our warmest thanks to everyone, making special reference to Mrs. K. Stamatopoulos, N. Charkiolakis J. Cavallinis, M. Papafotiou, H. Kanellou, Ch. Leligkos, D. Mytaras, M. Papadimitriou, S. Ganotis, N.  Liaros, N. Dalpi and  V. Bertsatos.

by Aikaterini Gkoltsiou, Stavros Ganotis, Antonis Krassas

Related bibliography
In Greek
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In English
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