In an attempt to distinguish the contemporary architectural work in our country, we invite everyone who desires to send us projects, which will be presented in our e-magazine. It's eligible, that the project's presentation is translated in Greek too, in order to achieve parallel publication in our Greek edition.
Whoever is interested can send us the project to the e-mail address (with the subscription ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS). E-mails must be smaller than 15MB, elsewhere the assignment must be sent by post to the e-magazine address. (or by
The projects must have the characteristics marked below:
1) Contemporary architectural work, which is built.
2) Project's themes are free (ex. new buildings, urban design)
3) The whole amount of pictures for the sum of the projects must be at maximum 20. (Extra, 2 cover photos:260X195 & 680X300)
4) In every presentation, all the participants must be recorded (architects, civil engineers, etc.)
5) Projects must be sent in a 'word' document and pictures must be attached in the same email. In the text indicate picture's place with its 'name' (in bold). Pictures should also be named ex. gra.2008.1, gra.2008.2 etc.
6) Each presentation must have a title and a subtitle (a short description of 3-4 lines)
7) Your presentation must include a compromise form of your text in, which you can find in the link below:
All the projects will be placed by the editing team of and will be published in thematic union ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS. (GRA) is the most comprehensive and most active Web site in Greece for practicing architects and building professionals.
For further detail please contact us.
Editorial & Marketing Department: 1 Davaki Pindou st, Zografou (15773) Athens Greece
Call: +30 210 3636631