17 October, 2013

Diploma Projects annual awards 2012 (Results announcement)

Online gallery and annual Diploma Projects Awards 2012 by Presentation of all winning projects.

Greek version

Diploma Projects - Annual awards 2012
Designation and Annual Diploma Project Awards
Online Gallery


For the 3rd consecutive year, the institution of Designation and Annual Diploma Project Awards, proudly presents the results for year 2012.

For the 2012 Diploma Projects Awards, a total of 84 valid projects were submitted and published on Out of 32 diploma projects that were nominated for the second round, five of them received five equal prizes and another five received five equal honorable mentions. (more information on the awards institution can be found here)

We would like to remind you that you may still send us your diploma project for it to be published online regardless of the presentation date, as well as projects submitted in 2013, that will be evaluated next year.

We would like to thank you for your participation and support to throughout these years.

The five awarded projects*, will recieve a tablet, by

All designated entries will receive a set of architectural books and a two year free of charge Gold Membership subscription.

Diploma Projects - Annual awards 2012
Designation and Annual Diploma Project Awards
Online Gallery

List of five equal prizes.
(Click an image for a detailed presentation.)

119.12 (Βραβείο), Δημόσιο-ιδιωτικό, Αλέξανδρος Φωτιάδης, Αλέξανδρος Πατσικός, Άγγελος Κομνηνός

123.12 (Βραβείο), Μια τρύπα στο νερό, Ουρεϊλίδου Ελένη

140.12 (Βραβείο),Συνεδριακό και Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο της Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής Βόλου, Αγγελική Δημητρακοπούλου, Νικολάου Νικολέττα


148.12 (Βραβείο),Μουσείο Guggenheim στο Ελσίνκι, Μαρία Κανέτσου

154.12 (Βραβείο),Ανάπλαση της Βόρειας επιβατικής προβλήτας Λαυρίου, Καραφύλλη Μαρία, Καραφύλλη Χριστίνα



List of five equal honorable mentions.
(Click an image for a detailed presentation.)


104.12 (Έπαινος),Κάποτε στην Αρκαδία, Γεωργία Συριοπούλου

111.12 (Έπαινος), Μεσόγειος Φάρος, Μαρίνος Παναγής


115.12 (Έπαινος),EARTHSEA, Δημήτρης Παναγόπουλος, Γιώργος Ορφανόπουλος

163.12 (Έπαινος), Ερευνητικό κέντρο στη Θηρασία, Παπατριανταφύλλου Ξένια

170.12 (Έπαινος), Δίκτυο Σημειακών Παρεμβάσεων στις Αλυκές Λάρνακας, Μιχάλης Πιρόκκας



The jury consists of five individuals whose work and progress ensure the open spirit of the institution.

The names of the judges are:
Manolis Anastasakis
Nikos Georgiadis
Vasilis Baskozos
Angelos Psilopoulos
Eleni Kanetaki


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