26 March, 2013
Dwelling and being neighbour in a Machala of Argos, in terms of a palimpsest
I exist by leaving traces on earth, I grow entered into a land full of ... residues, I become a tracker and follow the pre-history.
Student : Maritina Kardakopoulou
Sypervisors: Aristomenis Baroudakis
Technical University of Crete, Department of Architecture
Presentation Date: December 2012
The above thoughts triggered reading of the city of Argos as transcendental text - palimpsest and researching of relics in the body of this city that continuously inhabited, in the same geographic location, for 5000 years.
As intervention region was chosen a part in one of the oldest and continuously inhabited neighbourhoods, in the northwest of the city, on Heracleous way. The aim of surgery is to develop a new type of detached house in a collective way, synthesized in residential patterns that stimulate a manifold plot of social interrelations and create a porous neighbourhood, with low density of built and weave a rug with alternation of colors and textures, indoor and outdoor uses, public and private yards. In this way is attempted, via puncturing the ground and always respecting the traditional standards of habitation, to synthesize housing as cultural palimpsest that project the succession of habitation in Argos and as a palimpsest of experiences through residential spaces composition.
The building program includes five residents and five ecological craft workshops and outdoor and indoor market place, information stand, a bar and a recreation structure for children.
As far as synthesis is concerned, relics of Neolithic wall found in the area led to the thought of creating a new wall, as a reference to the ancient wall and the fence of traditional houses in Argos. This new wall unites and organizes private and public spaces.
The materiality and structure of the main walls of the houses made of compacted earth, facilitates the promotion and protection of ancient relics, helps in detachment of the construction from the ground, the possible expansion of residences and transportation of this type of residence elsewhere in Argos where there are archaeological traces.