Kifisos 2020

18 February, 2013

Kifisos 2020

6 urban landscapes renegotiated.

Greek version

Student : Perlepe Konstantina
Supervisor professor: Yiannis Aesopos
School of Architecture, University of Patras
Presentation : September 2012

Object of this diploma thesis is the river of Kifisos, which has a length of 20 km and runs through the Attica basin. In Kifisos one can observe all the phases of development of the urban landscape at the expense of the natural. The 6 regions that were studied specifically are indicative of these different phases.

The design of these 6 areas is organized according to a strategy in time. This strategy organizes the green, the aquatic element, the connections with the city and the programmatic redefinition of each region. Each phase of the redevelopment deals with one of these elements and is displayed throughout the city.

As a result, the new river simultaneously emerges in 6 eheterogenous and remote areas and sets the scene for a healthy development.

However, this growth is not associated with a romantic return to nature, but instead it takes as given the pattern of the city in every region, reinterprets it and repeats it.

The main question that this thesis attempts to approach is the following:

"When human activity is responsible for the order of things, then is a static architecture proposal capable of changing the image of the urban landscape; even more, is design really capable of changing the mentalities that created this city?"

Since it will be attempted to design 6 disparate and remote areas scattered throughout Athens, the existence of a connective tissue is necessary. The design is implemented in 4 stages, each of which responds to specific problems. Each stage occurs simultaneously in the 6 regions, setting the foundations for a healthy development.

The first stage aims to involve the local community, by organizing bottom-up events, such as "plant a tree" or "clean the river shore".

In the second, the river floodplain is redesigned in a natural way to alleviate the flooding.
In the third stage,  urban connections with the city are reinforced and new internal ones are designed.

Finally in the fourth stage, the programmatic redefinition of all the 6 ares is attempted. This is done by designing buildings that even though they imitate the urban context, they do not harm the natural environment, but try to enrich it


1. Adames
This is a forest area with residential character. The city expands continuously over the last 20 years and reduces the forest area. The only  limit to the expansion is the altitude.

Following the pattern of the area of small houses, new volumes are designed. These function as environmental  centres and scout areas. They seem to be trying to reach the river, but are unable to do so.

2. Acharnes
The river passes through the industrial zone of Acharnai. The objective in this area is the creation of an urban wetland.
This is done by designing a "Center of Sampling and Quality Control" of the river of Kifisos. These are buildings that land in the area just over the river and through a series of filters that have their base, they purify the water by removing solid waste  and harmful pathogens.
Each building consists of 2 parts. The science center and thre observatory. Among them 1 trail passes. The visitor experiences the river surrounded by buildings. Not industrial volumes this time, but a center of life for the river.

3. Red Mill
This is an  urban area, densely populated.

Following the urban pattern, an educational center is designed. The scattered volumes follow the dimensions and organization of a typical polykatoikia,  but they always remain independent one from another and are organized around a garden.


3. 3 +2 bridges
Kifisos here flows alongside the highway into a culvert that would allow no vegetation.

The highway runs along the river and the city seems to struggle constantly to bridge the gap that the river and the highway create.

Footbridges are proposed that try to gap the void and invite the passerby to stop, enjoy the eerie landscape.

5. Redis
Between Three Bridges and Agios Ioannis Redis, Kifisos disappears beneath the highway.

The Kifisos appears on the surface after Redis. The river at that point seems to have been cut into pieces and fragmented by roads. Here, i attempted to design a Center for Immigration Studies, which consists of 3 buildings/ bridges that fly over the river. This Centre is a place where multi-cultural environment interacts with the Athens community.


6. Delta Faliro
In Faliro one faces the Athens of the Olympics in all its splendor. The  infrastructures seem to have taken the place of the natural elements.
If the pattern of the area is the limits, artificial limits of activities are designed  along the river. In section whatever extends towards the Renzo Piano park is artificial nature. Whatever extends to Piraeus is program and the rest in the intermediate neutral zone is dedicated to activities.


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