28 April, 2013
Urban Camping. Athens
In the constantly changing urban tissue of Athens, a space for hosting the travellers that want to know the city first hand is created.
Students : Aggelis Argiris, Antoniadi Katerina, Dimitriou Stella
Supervisors : Dimitrios Papalexopoulos
National Technical University of Athens/ School of Architecture
Date of presentation : July 2012
We propose the construction of an urban camping, at Kerameikos area, in a public park, at the end of the city's commercial road. The camping provides its tents with accommodation, hygiene, alimentation and recreation, leaving at the same time all the possibilities open for a substantial contact with the public space and life of the city. This particular camping could potentially form part of a international urban camping network. The tenants live in tents, which they either carry with them or rent on the spot. The tents' installation space develops linearly and consists of concrete walls where metal rods- receptors are used along with a plastic triangular surface as part of the tent placement system. The rest of the facilities are concentrated in a basic volume, of metal construction, that leaves empty and unoccupied the ground level for development of the public activities. On the ground level are left only the uses that directly facilitate the public space, like the reception-info point, the public restrooms and a mini market. The public life meets the ephemeral habitation at Athens' urban camping and revitalizes the area and the perceptions.
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