
07 July, 2014


A linear excessiveness as a field for intervention at level 0.

Greek version

Student group : Ravanidou Nora, Stylidis Stathis
Supervisor : George Papakostas
University of Thessaly
Presentation date :  2013

The area of intervention is the breakwater in the port of Thessaloniki. The place contains the concept of transition , the concept of limit, and could be described as  a place-hybrid. The concept of transition is expressed spatially and temporally in our intervention  by treating the breakwater as a path that moves the visitor from the intense activity at rest with successive journeys into the water that act as pauses in the overall operation.
The breakwater is being "dressed" with a metal frame on which the floor extends creating a two-level-walk on the two levels that already exist. The necessary relevant street furniture is placed. Some of the blocks meet up on the breakwater are thrown out of  the outer boundary finding their original purpose. The others are exploited as a series of short " episodes" in the form of in situ interventions that disturb the tranquility of the linear walk and mobilize the movement on it.

Four buildings positioned at a distance from the initial breakwater extending the intervention into the water. A second floating breakwater puts the final terms of extending the limit of the intervention to protect the structures. Industrial morphology creates a background similar to the existing harbor . On the second breakwater mechanisms producing energy from waves are placed .

The four buildings are like four major " episodes " and their uses result from the more intensive to the less one as we move away from the city .
The  first one is a large multi-use frame , which has  the inherent capacity to "stay mute"or reorganize itself  and the ability to move and appear in different parts of the beach signifying the actions made ​​in it. The floor of varying pieces that can be lifted up, creates spaces for open markets , exhibitions , screenings and entertainment spaces , while the whole frame can be a big showcase or display , connecting the breakwater to the first pier when the International Film Festival takes place.
The next  three " episodes " are a restaurant , a building with baths and a library with a reading hall .  In all three the same synthetic principles appear: free outline of the plan , volumes that " float " within it and openings in floors that allow light penetration in the construction from the roof to the ground .
At the Restaurant  the roof is designed as an amphitheater for summer screenings. Auxiliary functions are located on the lower level and the main rooms in a single double height space that unfolds on two levels and allows visual communication in all the sights, overseeing the entire intervention.
Inside the Baths there takes place the continuation of the liquid component into the building realized with a formation of pools designed at sea level and abut the perimeter glass wall . Openings in floors that covered the roof with water , give the sense of annihilation of the surfaces of the light . Access is through the roof to foster a sense of precipitation and infiltration from above. Iridescence and users ' floating ' within the building .

In the Reading Hall unlike the precipitation of the Baths, there is a sense of emerge . The library is positioned along a perimetric ramp leading to an artificial sea-level , a wavy surface forming  from material soft seating spaces and offices. The wavy surface is repeated in a walled open last level  with high wall where there are framed views at different heights , creating a raised enclosed courtyard.


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