27 October, 2009
The International Union of Architects announces the launch of an international competition that will invite architecture students.
The International Union of Architects announces the launch of an international competition that will invite architecture students from around the world to create imagemodels of examples of significant architectural creativity realised during the 20th century.
This competition is an opportunity for the architects of tomorrow to enrich the web index with their own expression of an architectural realisation from the last century, using today’s design tools.
All phases of the competition will be conducted on-line. Students are free to choose the structure they wish to represent, from a major landmark to an unknown building, with the condition that it was built between 1901 and 2000.
Entries can be architectural descriptions based on panoramic images and/or 3D models of the structure in its current state. Students may also work in groups, on different elements or structures in an architectural or urban complex.
Competitors should register on-line through the competition website until March 26, 2010. Submissions may be transmitted on-line from April 5, to April 26, 2010.
The full competition regulations will be available at the competiton web site.
This initiative is part of a partnership between the French Ministry of Culture and Communication’s direction of architecture and heritage; the French National Centre for Scientific Research (UMR 694 MAP-Gamsau Laboratory); the international committee for Documentation and Conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the Modern Mouvement (Docomomo) and the UIA to develop and enrich the web site, dedicated to 20th century architecture.