08 September, 2012
Restoration and urban renewal of the market in Kypseli
Spatial uses according to current self-management practices.
Study group: Christina Giannopoulou, Ioanna Tsimpou, Jenny Chalkiadaki
Supervisor teacher: Eleni Portaliou
Consultant teachers: Eleftheria Tsakanika, Vasilis Tsouras
National Technical University of Athens
November 2008
The market building was constructed on the axis of the Fokionos Negri pedestrian way, during the Middle war years, and was for years a space of intercourse for the residents as well as a reference place of the area. Its operation came to an end in 2003, after some years of sub - operation. In 2004, due to a movement of local residents and social actors, the building was saved from demolishment, and in 2005, it was characterized as a monument by a Ministerial Decree. On December 2006, after the initiative of local residents and actors, the market building was opened and cleaned so as to house a number of activities. Since then, local residents are coordinated through open monthly assemblies, where they decide over the activities and its function.
It is a one-storey building, which consists of a central elevated space, with stores arranged along each side. Except for the inner stores, there is also a row of stores with external access below a gallery on one of the longer facades. On the four corners of the building four larger stores are formed.
The building is a representative sample of the modern movement, with rational design. It still has many classicistic elements, such symmetry of the elevations, a highlight of the horizontal axis, through molding and orthomarmarosis, as well as pilasters with plaster capitals. The triangular ends of the beams above the terrace, seem to refer to the neoclassical pediment.
Kypseli, especially in the wider area around the market, is densely built, with limited free "green" spaces. Also, it has few public buildings to cover the social and cultural needs of the residents. Therefore, the market building along with the Fokionos Negri pedestrian way, which together form a strong urban actor, could make up a public pole of collective uses and social life.
The current use of the market, which derives from the needs of the residents, along with the historic role of the building in the area, as a space of social memory, are the basic factor for the proposal of a center for social contact and meeting, culture and update with automanagement practices.
The functions of the Social Centre
∙ Library with loaning section and space for reading with multimedia
∙ Artistic workshop (painting, pottery, etc.)
∙ A room for seminars
∙ A room for assemblies of local clubs and organizations
∙ Coffee shop
∙ Display spaces
∙ Central space for various events
∙ Small stores
∙ WC
∙ Storing spaces
The restoration of the Market aims at the preservation of the typology and the style of the building, through the highlighting of its basic characteristics, as well as at a return to its original state. Therefore, the recommended interventions, pointing at the service of the new operational needs of the building, do not alter the typology. The new constructions are clearly discrete from the existing structure, while easily detachable in case of a future change in the use of the building.
The restoration of the building includes the following:
∙ Structure restoration
∙ Façade restoration
∙ Interior restoration
∙ Improvement of the energy efficiency
∙ Improvement of the acoustics
Related articles:
- Reutilisation of the building T.A.O.L. in Lefkada ( 23 June, 2010 )
- Restoration and re-use of the old city hall of Thessaloniki ( 19 December, 2013 )