Redefinition of interconnection and role of terminal stations in the metropolitan region of Thessaloniki

03 June, 2011

Redefinition of interconnection and role of terminal stations in the metropolitan region of Thessaloniki

Taking into account the significance of transport on the growth of a city and the European policy that promotes sustainable mobility, the study investigates the transport capacity of the metropolitan region of Thessaloniki.

Greek version

Student : Daphne Papagora
Supervisor :
Faculty of Civil Engineering, AUTh
Presentation Date : 2010

See the project here (pdf. 20pag.)

Taking into account the significance of transport on the growth of a city and the European policy that promotes sustainable mobility, the study investigates the transport capacity of the metropolitan region of Thessaloniki, the possibility of its integration and function as part of the European transport network and the level of sustainability of the urban transport system. Figured out and evaluated are the existing data, the application of studies that was drawn up and the programmed scenarios for the development of urban networks. A strategy is proposed to create a united, completed and interoperable transport system, with accent in inter-modality and promotion of means of public transport. The study is handling both super-local and local/urban scale and is trying to reveal the most efficient relationship between them. Final objective is the total upgrade of the city's transport system and at extension its efficient operation concerning the environmental repercussions of transport.

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