08 June, 2010

Residence in Gkazi'

The aim of the thesis was the study of a new 'type' of building  and  a way of living along with the placement of  common  use  spaces, while the premise for the function of the complex is the collaboration among the tenants for the purpose of art creation and exposition.

Greek version





In the past few years, the center of Athens is in a growing  demand as far as residence is concerned. This is only the greek version of a general phenomenon of "re-habitation" of the cities' center since the 70's.The  "re-habitation" of the center is considered to be done by the middle class returning from the suburbs, (the mesmerising dream of  past deacades), in order to settle near the business areas. This trend is empowered by the advantages of the return that make every day life easier such as the proximity to working places. Saving time from long distance suburbias one can endeavour the pleasures of the 'urbanity', going out, meeting and mixing with different people from different cultures, visiting galleries, having 24-7 services etc.




Gkazi , an pre-industrial and craftsmen's area, is found in transformation due to the arrangement of superalocal uses in the region (cultural centre Technopolis and the arrival of underground). This has given other dynamics in the region that henceforth assembles big number of uses of entertainment. In order to does not lead the region thematic park should is strengthened by the introduction of residences. This thesis concerns the import of residence in combination with uses traditional for the region, adapted in the new data, that is to say cultural events and the effort for artistic creation and expression, particularly from a very young public.




Thus,  a building of residences (block of flats) with a space of collaboration - laboratory and a separate building of report are created in the same plot. Finally, the half plot remains overdraft and is planted to a great extent.

The apartments are addressed to 1-2 individuals and they have an open plan without partitions, giving the possibility to change and remove some or all the furniture, if needs differentiate.






Locality and climatic data are the parameters tha have been taken into account during design. Particularly, via the choice of the construction system, the forms,  the materials and the references to the industrial past of the area are made like the big gas station that overtop the area. In addition, the optimum orientation has played a great part into the consideration of the design process.

Construction and function grid coincide giving a rhythm that organises the open plan inside the building, while reminding the small scale of the area. The suspended balconies consist the 'trademark' of the buiding signifying each one of the apartments.





Rizou Athanasia
Architecture School, Ntua
Supervisor Professors.. Monemvasitou Aleka, Karadimas Konstantinos
Day of presentation..12 march 2010

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