Routes in the paths of emery

01 February, 2011

Routes in the paths of emery

The mountain villages of emery unable to follow the growth of lowland Naxos based mainly on summer tourism.

Greek version

Student: Lagopoulos A. Milonas D, Ydraiou M.
Professor: Papaioanou Tasis
Consultans Professors: Karadimas Konstantinos
Dissertation Thesis at the National Technical  University of Athens School of Architecture
Presentation Date: 04/11/2010




Emery, the product of the industrial extraction process was the creation of the axis of our proposal. The mountain villages of emery unable to follow the growth of lowland Naxos based mainly on summer tourism.



Considering these important issues, our study sought to shape and elevates the area that is the station of emery mining Stravolagkada.



The above considerations and objectives take the form of a journey that starts from the existing buildings and ends at the end of the observatory on the edge of the cliff.



Established a research center that will be able to host teams (20 people), providing the necessary resources for research and hospice for their stay.



The main component was the retaining wall of the path, who is bent and broken without receiving functions and gradually leads visitors from the years with more traffic in those with less, home and end the comment.



Identified materials and construction methods adopted by the industrial landscape. Thus, using the stone which falls on the rocky landscape and converses with metal minerals elevated.




It should be emphasized at every level, the need to maintain existing industrial sites, as agents of history, the evolution of media, human development and of toil. Industrial sites are involved in education and leading the architectural tools in this drive and people to not forget history.





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