15 April, 2012
Reception center for immigrants and multicultural center in Metaxourgeio
My diploma project is a continuation of my lecture on the phenomenon of urban gentrification in Metaxourgeio.
Student : Sourila Maria - Avra
Supervising Professor : Vaiou Ntina, Marda Nelli
National Technical University, Faculty of Architecture
Presentation Date: October 2011
Studying the factors and processes that lead to the manifestation of the phenomenon, helped me understand the conditions under which the area evolved and developed today's specific characteristics. The project concerns the establishment of a reception, communication and information center for immigrants, and also a multicultural center Metaxourgeio. My suggestion relates to two different buildings at two separate sites near the square Avdi. The proposed land uses seek to complement and not compete with the current development trends in the region. The aim is to restore a dynamic balance that will lead to improved quality of life for the locals and possibly reduce social disparities in the region. In both proposals the building program was based on the needs of the region implied that emerged from the planning analysis. The aim is planning research to proceed smoothly in architectural synthesis for better social, functional and morphological integration of the intervention in the region. By focusing on social cohesion, I import uses with local importance that will preserve and maintain the secular character of the neighborhood Metaxourgeio. I seek for mixed uses, in order for users to be mixed and communicate, who in this case are current local residents - both immigrants and natives. I think a prerequisite for any effective intervention, is the approach of teams that live and use the area and of course preserve the special character of the neighborhood.