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Alexandra Stara

Alexandra Stara (Cirriculum vitae)

Dr Alexandra Stara is director of graduate history & theory and course director of the MA Architecture: Thinking Building at the School of Architecture and Landscape, Kingston University, UK. She qualified as an architect at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, has Masters degrees from University College London and the University of Cambridge, and a doctorate in the history of art from the University of Oxford. 

She has taught and examined architecture in several schools in Britain and abroad, and has been lecturing and publishing on the hermeneutics of art, photography, architecture and the modern museum for the past fifteen years. In 2009 she has been invited by the RIBA to judge the dissertation prize for the President’s Medals. Her work has appeared in such publications as the AA Files, Architect’s Journal, Architectural Review and London Independent Photographers, among others. Her latest projects include: ‘Cultivating Architects: History in Architectural Education’, in Building Metaphors: The Humanities in Design Practice, (eds) N. Temple et al (Routledge, forthcoming 2010); ‘A Journey Elsewhere: On Steffi’s Klenz’s photographs’, in London Independent Photographers Magazine, Spring 2009; co-editing Curating Architecture and the City with Sarah Chaplin (Routledge, 2009); and curating Strange Places, an international photography exhibition at the Stanley Picker Gallery, 30 September – 21 November 2009.



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