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Nikoletta Vergou

Nikoletta Vergou (Editor)

Nikoletta Vergou was born in Eretria, a town located in the island of Evoia, Greece. In 2009, she entered the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens where, up to now, she has been studying. During her studies, she was awarded various scholarships and during her participation in the annual European student exchange program in Granada of Spain, in 2012, she was selected for the two-year-long Investigation Program of the University of Granada: Investigación de Innovación Docente, run by the department of Urbanism.

She has participated in academic workshops and seminars in co-operation with the Die Angewante School of Vienna, the Roma III School of Rome, the University of Oxford, as well as with the EtsaG and Bellas Artes Schools of Granada.
She is a fluent speaker of four foreign languages and she supports volunteerism. For the time being, she is simultaneously both completing her studies and working for AMSolutions Ltd. in the department of dbm*architects, where she has the pleasure to apply and put into practice the knowledge she has gained during her studies.

E-mail: nicol_ve@hotmail.com


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