Νέα Φιλαρμονική Αμβούργου

19 Απρίλιος, 2007

Νέα Φιλαρμονική Αμβούργου

Μία αρχιτεκτονική δημιουργία των διάσημων Ελβετών αρχιτεκτόνων Herzog & de Meuron.

Σαν μια φουτουριστική ουτοπία θα αναδύεται το νέο κτίριο συναυλιών της Φιλαρμονικής του Ελβα στο Αμβούργο, μία αρχιτεκτονική δημιουργία των διάσημων Ελβετών αρχιτεκτόνων Herzog & de Meuron.
Το κτίριο (εδώ σε μία γραφιστική αναπαράσταση) θα στέκεται στην οροφή μιας παλιάς αποθήκης στο ποτάμι και θα έχει ύψος 110 μέτρα.
Θα είναι το νέο σύμβολο του Αμβούργου, εκεί όπου η στεριά συναντά το ποτάμι στη μία άκρη του λιμανιού. Το Αμβούργο, ως μία από τις δυναμικές και ευημερούσες πόλεις της Γερμανίας, εξελίσσεται σε μείζον κέντρο της τέχνης και της αγοράς πολιτισμού.

Herzog & de Meuron

Herzog & de Meuron Architekten, BSA/SIA/ETH (HdeM) is a Swiss architecture firm, founded and headquartered in Basel, Switzerland in 1978. The careers of founders and senior partners Jacques Herzog (b. 19 April 1950), and Pierre de Meuron (b. 8 May 1950), closely paralleled another, with both attending the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich. They are perhaps best known in the for their work on conversion of the giant Bankside Power Station in London to the new home of the Tate Museum of Modern Art.

In 2001, Herzog & de Meuron was awarded the Pritzker Prize, the highest of honours in architecture. Jury chairman J. Carter Brown, commented, "One is hard put to think of any architects in history that have addressed the integument of architecture with greater imagination and virtuosity." This in reference to HdeM's innovative use of exterior materials and treatments, such as silkscreened glass. Architecture critic and Pritzker juror Ada Louise Huxtable summarized HdeM's approach concisely: "They refine the traditions of modernism to elemental simplicity, while transforming materials and surfaces through the exploration of new treatments and techniques."[1] In 2006, the New York Times Magazine called them "one of the most admired architecture firms in the world."[citation needed]

HdeM's early works were reductivist pieces of modernity that registered on the same level as the minimalist art of Donald Judd. However, their recent work at Prada Tokyo, the Barcelona Forum Building and the Beijing National Stadium for the 2008 Olympic Games, suggest a changing attitude.[2]

Though their commitment to the primacy of materiality shows through all their projects, the manipulation of form has gone from boxy modernism to volumetric prisms of equal if not greater presence. The architects often cite Joseph Beuys as an enduring artistic inspiration and collaborate with different artists on each architectural project. Their success can be attributed to their skills in revealing unfamiliar or unknown relationships through familiar materials.



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